03 Dec

How to Train Effectively During the Off Season

Make the most of your off-season icon The off season can go one of two ways. You might train hard, physically and mentally to better yourself for the next year, or you might completely stop all exercise and dig yourself a hole. Here’s out top tips to make the most of your off-season and come […]

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18 Sep

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome is a form of nerve entrapment in the ankle. This happens when pressure is placed on the posterior tibial nerve as it passes through the tarsal tunnel at the ankle. Some of the causes for the compression of this nerve include inflammation of surrounding tissues, space occupying lesions like ganglion cysts, stretch […]

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20 Aug

Feeling Fit for Finals?

Winter is almost over which means we are fast approaching finals fever. After enduring a long season this can be the hardest time for an athlete to both manage and limit physical and mental fatigue. Our team at Coast Sport have put forward a few ideas to help you maintain peak performance.   Nutrition What we […]

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30 May

Exos splints

icon Exos Splints are an adjustable brace that can assist in the management of fractures and/or other injuries that require stabilisation. There are splints available for upper limb, lower limb and the cervical spine. The braces are comfortable and come with two liners that can be interchanged and washed when required. So, why Exos over […]

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30 May

Body Composition testing for sport

icon Sport performance is highly dependant on health, skill related components of fitness, technique in sport specific skills and body composition. This is because our body composition can contribute to elements including strength power, speed and agility. Quantifying body composition has played an important role in monitoring an athlete’s performance and training regimes where body […]

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30 May

Nutrients of importance for junior athletes

icon For a junior athlete to perform their best, eating patterns should be considered for their exercise participation while also meeting their requirements for growth and development. Food and fluid consumed by athletes of all ages can have a big impact on their ability to train, compete and recover and while nutritional needs vary from […]

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30 May

Nutrition for football

icon With the Australian A-League season coming to an end, it means for the majority of us the football (soccer) season is only beginning. Nutrition is not only important to how we play throughout football games and training sessions, but also to reduce our chance of illness or injury throughout the season for consistent high […]

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16 May

Swimmers: how to avoid (some) injuries after a break or holidays

icon Quite a few swimmers have some time out of the pool following nationals. This is a well-deserved and much needed break and part of freshening up and getting ready for the next season. However, swimmers and coaches must consider: Swimmers most common injury is to the shoulder, and most of the time involves the […]

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13 May

Progressive overload

Are you not making progress with your resistance training? icon Training places stress on your body. But what happens when your body adapts to this load? Doing the same resistance training regime every time you head in to the gym will eventually lead to a plateau. As will not increasing the weights you lift over […]

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06 May

What dietary strategy is for you?

icon There are many diets out there; from low fat, paleo, ketogenic, sugar free, low carb and more. It can be confusing to know what information out there is correct, and what diets may be useful to follow or take inspiration from. Many diets can be categorised as a Fad Diet, meaning it promises fast […]

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