Did you know that Pilates has been around for almost a century? Since its conception, everyday people have been discovering things about their bodies they didn’t know they could do.
How did Pilates begin?
Joseph Hubertus Pilates was born in Monchengladbach Germany in 1883. As a child, Joe had asthma and other ailments. He turned to exercise and athletics to battle these and was always studying various exercise regimens to expand his knowledge base. He became captivated by the classical Greek ideal of a man balanced in body, mind, and spirit, and he began to develop his exercise system based on this concept, and thus Pilates was born.
Pilates offers endless possibilities with a multitude of exercises, making it possible to tailor a program to suit all your individual needs and capabilities.
What are the benefits of Pilates?
The benefits of Clinical Pilates are significant, the Coast Sport team have listed some additional benefits that you might not be aware of. If you aren’t already doing it, why not try incorporating Clinical Pilates into your health and fitness regime and experience the plethora of benefits for yourself.
1. Relieves stress
Pilates can help reduce stress levels. If you’re feeling stressed out by work, life, or both, you should take the time to consider Clinical Pilates classes. Pilates is about focus; not just on one thought or aspect of life, but focusing on the actual movements themselves. Pilates is about finding your centre physically so that you can find it mentally. When you take a Pilates class, you are encouraged to focus only on the movements you’re making and return to the centre position after each movement to enhance consistency. The act of physically focusing helps with emotional balancing.
2. Alleviate Injuries
Movements in Pilates are all about extensions, meaning that the muscles have time to stretch out and relax. Muscles need to do this to heal themselves. Pilates also help to stabilise joints to prevent displacement. People with sports or work-related injuries should feel encouraged to try Clinical Pilates to rehabilitate their muscles that have been strained or damaged.
3. Builds strength and flexibility
Movements in Clinical Pilates are designed to extend muscles and place slight resistance on them with each movement and position. Holding a position in Pilates might be uncomfortable at first, but that is because your muscles need to get stronger to adapt to the movements you’re performing.
4. Reduces Back and Neck Pain
By targeting core muscles including the abdominal muscles, pelvic floor, diaphragm and multifidus, our Clinical Pilates classes at Coast Sport address weaknesses that cause back and neck pain.
5. Helps minimise pelvic pain
If you suffer from pain anywhere in the pelvic girdle, Clinical Pilates can help by targeting (and reconditioning) the core pelvic floor and abdominal muscles.
6. Prepares your body for pregnancy
Pre- and post-natal Clinical Pilates are designed to help your body cope with the stresses of pregnancy. Building up strength in abdominal and pelvic floor muscles reduces pain and combats the risk of abdominal muscle separation.
7. Enhances overall wellbeing
Regular exercise improves overall well-being by keeping you fit, and active and stimulating the release of endorphins to make you feel great!
To book a class, contact Coast Sport by calling 02 4356 2588 today or book online through our contact page.