There are various aches and pain associated with playing “The Beautiful Game” on the Central Coast. Whether it be from the tackles, twinge in a muscle while you stretch for a ball, pushing yourself that little bit harder to beat a player or accidentally rolling an ankle, we’ve all experienced some soreness after playing football. Football becomes an addiction but also provides an enjoyable form of aerobic exercise, develops balance, agility, coordination, and offers a sense of teamwork, along with an outlet and from study or work.
Football injuries account for nearly 1/3 of hospitalisation and is one of the highest population based rates of injuries seen in emergency room across Australia. Although some injuries are unavoidable, there are many preventable measures that can be included in your training regime to reduce your chance of injury. This not only includes conditioning your body but also remembering to rest and provide your muscles with a little TLC between training and game days.
Given that footballers’ have an intense physical regime and the sports potential for injuries, the muscles are subject to repeated stress and trauma. Common injuries in the sport include those of the lower limbs such as shin splints, patella tendinitis (pain in knee), ACL damage (with higher rates in females) and Achilles tendinitis. Soccer players are also prone to sprains and strains particularly of the groin, thigh, hamstring and calf muscles.
Massage therapy coming from a football player and remedial therapist is one of the most effective pain relievers after a big game or intense week of training. By applying mechanical pressure to the soft tissues, circulation is increased which delivers fresh oxygen and nutrients to muscles and promotes removal of waste products and toxins. It also increases flexibility (range of motion) while having a relaxing effect and deceases muscle stiffness and the effects of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) after a game or training session. Massage is able to help enhance athletic performance and prevent injuries when received regularly.
Sports massage is effective as a pre-event conditioning addition as well as a treatment for post-event soreness. So when you wake up sore the next day, book in for a massage to reduce the aches and pains, so you are ready to train hard and play harder. Combining healthy eating habits, good hydration and regular massage treatments; your body will be in top form to play the game that so many love. Ali at Coast Sport has experience working with multiple football teams on training and game days, so why not call and book in today.
This blog has been prepared by Coast Sport massage therapist Ali Redman.
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